
The Birthing of a NEW Political Party?

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Is it just maybe possible that we are seeing in all of this chaotic, painful, seemingly fruitless process in Washington DC is actually giving birth to a purposeful positive?  Could this possible be the beginning of a long overdue third political party?

If so, then let the labor pains continue. Possibly ease the discomfort with a pain reliever in the form of a temporary budget compromise.  Maybe the best thing after a 200 plus year gestation period is just to surgically extract the new born political party?

Whatever option is followed, we cannot afford to stop this process.  We must not abort the generating of a new political party...a viable political party…one that can genuinely enter into the political landscape and make a notable imprint on how the world of Washington politics will forever be changed.

Yes, this process is painful.  A new birth always is.

Is it worth it?  I believe so.  Hopefully the results will fade the memory of pain, and we shall see in shorter order the birth of some political siblings within this generation.  Siblings that must align, discuss, reach cooperation and work together in a process that we have never effectively had before.

A larger family dynamic.  One that eschews constant useless bickering and encourages useful dialogue and compromise.

Congratulations America, you are on the verge of adding a new member to the countries political family!

~Gene Gee